Professional Services
Planning is essential to any project to help identify goals and provide a clear perspective on what needs to get done. With both our companies on the same page, we can meet all the objectives quickly and maximize productivity across all resources.
Often companies are juggling multiple projects and sharing resources with other projects so it can be very challenging to dedicate time to a new project. Our focus is on the success of our customers getting DigitalShipper up and running in a production environment and working towards an immediate return on investment.
Planning the project tasks, assigning resources, and establishing a time line are essential for any project. Our Professional Services Project Manager will work closely with your project manager to plan all the elements related to the project and even take into account other projects that must coincide with the completion of a DigitalShipper project – frequently a DigitalShipper project is planned to go-live with a new host system or a host system upgrade. Having a surrounding awareness of these other projects lets us know how DigitalShipper plays a role and gives us the necessary insight so we are the least of your worries.
By working together at the start of the project during the planning stages, we will have a better understanding of the overall objectives and can do our best to prioritize tasks, optimize resources, and allocate time to each task to deliver the right solution.